Yoga Journal Notebook : Diary to Record your Practice To Efficiently Prepare Lessons For Your Students Or Memorize Your Coach's Exercises Easy & Convenient Up to 32 Poses and 50 Sessions
Choose a more professional and less stressful yoga experience by using our session preparation notebook to plan and track your progress efficiently
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"Some Basic Poses"30 of the most well-known/used poses to inspire you when creating your beginner/intermediate/advanced level sessions. Or simply to remind you of their names if you are a beginner in yoga! | Session SummarySave time finding your favorite Yoga sessions! | Your Sequenced Yoga SessionOne session = 1 double-page that holds up to 32 poses. Yoga book with a capacity of 50 sessions. |
Yoga Coach / Instructor: this notebook allows you to efficiently prepare your yoga classes and record them for later use Student: you will be able to note all the sessions followed with your coach (from in-person yoga teacher or your favorite Youtube channels) so as not to forget them and be able to practise again the sessions you loved.
Date, Duration, Mantra, Pranayama, Music, Coach, Goals, Notes, Difficulty, etc... Let yourself be guided in preparation so as not to forget anything and be more relaxed.
Organize your yoga routine with style using our session preparation notebook, the ideal companion for organized and consistent practice