Camel Pose in Bikram Yoga .Let us take a look.

December 26, 2021 5 min read


Camel Back Bend

What is Camel Pose in Bikram Yoga ?

The Camel Pose in Bikram Hot Yoga, also known as Ustrasana, is a deep backbend that compresses and strengthens the spine. It also opens and stretches the front of the body. Camel Pose is called Ustrasana in Sanskrit, derived from "Ustra" meaning "camel" and "Asana" meaning "seat" or "posture." It is the deepest backbend in the Bikram Hot Yoga Series, offering tremendous health benefits that we will explore in detail.

You will hear me say repeatedly that this is not just a backbend posture. Therefore, make sure to always lift in the pose as well as bend back. Never collapse into the lower spine in Camel Pose. This posture is also a stretching pose when done correctly. You will notice the whole front of the body stretching for the duration of the pose. Now, let's take a closer look at how to do Camel Pose in the Bikram Hot Yoga Series.


deep back bend


Camel Pose in Bikram Yoga. Let us take a deeper look. 

The Camel Pose is a floor pose done between Half Tortoise and Rabbit. First, stand on your knees with the tops of your feet pressed into the floor. The knees should be opened up and six inches apart. Another way to visualize this is to align your knees and shoulders in one line. In the second set of the pose, open your knees eight inches apart. You should stand tall on your knees with an elongated spine. Press your palms into the small of your back with your fingers stretching down.

Next, lift up out of your waist and drop your head back. When you drop your head back, you are performing a backbend. This might be all you can do, and you will still get the benefits of the Camel Pose. To go deeper into the pose, drop your shoulders back and start bending the spine backward. As you bend backward, keep lifting up through your chest. Do not collapse into the lower spine, and always keep lifting.

Let us  go even further

As you go deeper into the Camel Pose, grab your heels while maintaining the lift. Place your thumbs on the outside of your feet and your fingers on the inside. When grabbing the heels, start with the right heel. If you cannot reach your heels, keep your hands on your hips and continue your backbend. Do not grab your heels if you need to collapse into the lower back to get the grip. Keep your arms straight during the pose. Stretch up towards the ceiling through your chest as you perform the backbend and drop the upper body back.


drop your head back

 Camel Pose. It is more than a back bend. 

When you go deeper into the Camel Pose, you will notice a stretch along the front of your body. You should feel a stretch along your thighs, hips, stomach, chest, shoulders, and front of the throat. Additionally, there is an opening of space between your ribcage and hips. Take a big inhale and lift towards the ceiling. On the exhale, press the front of your body forward towards the front of the room.

Keep your eyes open for the duration of the Camel Pose. Fix your gaze on one spot on the ceiling or the back wall and see if you can drop the upper body back further. Try to relax during the backbend, as this will help you go deeper into your Camel Pose. Finally, release your grip on the heels and place your hands back on your hips. Come out of your backbend and lay on your back for Savasana.



The Camel Pose in the Bikram Hot Yoga Series is the deepest backbend you will do in class. It is as much about stretching and opening the front of the body as it is about the backbend. You need to lift towards the ceiling while performing your backbend. Do not collapse into the lower spine, or you will be doing the Camel Pose incorrectly. You will do two sets of Camel Pose, each lasting between ten and twenty seconds. I hope this post helps you get a better understanding of the Camel Pose. Until next time, Namaste.

Cheat Sheet for new teachers and beginners


First, come up on your knees

Next, position your knees six inches apart

The top of the feet are on the floor

You are standing up on your knees

Place the palms on the lower back

The thumbs are on the outside of the hips and the fingers are on the inside of the hips

Drop the head back

Lift up through the chest

Drop the upper body back

Press the shoulders back

Grab your right heel then your left heel

Thumbs are on the outside of the foot and fingers are on the inside of the foot

You are continuously lifting towards the ceiling while dropping the upper body back

Press the front of your body forward

The spine is compressing and strengthening

The front of the body is opening and stretching

Release your grip and bring hands to the lower back

Go to your Savasana

You do two sets at ten to twenty seconds each 

In the second set the knees are eight inches apart



Stretches the front of the body

Strengthens and compresses the spine

The pose stretches the hip flexors

Opens up the feet and the ankles

The Camel Pose is good for your posture

Helps assist in strengthening arms

Good for the endocrine system

Opens the shoulders

Massages and stretches the inner organs

Helps heal back pain 

Camel Pose is good for your flexibility

Good for the central nervous system

Improves the health of the lungs

Improves movement of the neck

Opens up the throat








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