What is Toe Stand in the Bikram Series.

What is Toe Stand in the Bikram Series.

December 26, 2021 4 min read


What is Toe Stand in the Bikram Series


  The Toe Stand in the Bikram Series or Padangusthasana in Sanskrit is the last pose in the standing series before you take your Savasana. The Sanskrit word Padangusthasana has the English translation of Big Toe Stand and is done in other yoga series besides Bikram Hot Yoga. The Toe Stand has a lot of similarities to the previous pose in the series, which is Tree Stand but is much more advanced. It is also the final pose in the balancing portion of the Hot Yoga Series. You will find that many students of Hot Yoga can not do the Toe Stand but will do a second set of Tree Stand in its place.

  You need to be very careful of going into the Toe Stand because it is easy to injure yourself, especially your knee. I personally know yoga instructors who, during teacher training, were forced by bad trainers to go into Toe Stand and seriously injure their knees, and it took them a long time to recover. You should never let any yoga instructor force you to do anything you cannot do, but that is a story and post for some other time. Let's now take a look at how you do the Toe Stand safely and correctly.

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