Balancing Stick Bikram Hot Yoga

Bikram Balancing Stick Pose. How it's done.

December 26, 2021 4 min read


Tuladandasana: Bikram Balancing Stick Pose


  The quickest posture in the  Hot Yoga Series is the Bikram Balancing Stick Pose, the Balancing Stick or another name for it is the Balancing Staff. The Sanskrit name is Tuladandasana which breaks down in English as follows: Tula has the translation into English of "Balance," Danda has the meaning of "Stick" or "Staff." Asana has the meaning in English of "Pose." Another name for this posture is Warrior 3 or Virabhadrasana 3. Vira means "Warrior" or "Hero," Bhadra has the meaning of "Friend," and of course, Asana has the meaning in English of "Pose." Balancing Stick is the final posture in the Balancing Series portion of Bikram Hot Yoga.

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