Bikram Hot Yoga Tree Pose Vrksasana

Tree Pose in the Bikram Series. A step by step guide.

December 26, 2021 4 min read


Tree Pose in the Bikram Series

  The Tree Pose in the Bikram Hot Yoga Series is the next to last standing pose. Vriksasana is the Sanskrit name of this posture and, of course, translates to the meaning in English of Tree Pose. It is a posture that you do not use as much effort while in it but focus more on letting the posture open you up and work on you. The one-hour version of this yoga series, Tree Pose or Toe Pose, which has some similarities, can be the last standing posture before you hit the floor and take your Savasana. We will focus on Tree Pose in this article and get to know Toe Pose in the next post.

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