Bikram Spine Twist

Bikram Spine Twist

December 26, 2021 4 min read


 The  Bikram Spine Twist. An overview. 

    The Spine Twisting Pose in the Bikram Hot Yoga Series is the final posture you do before doing the Kapalabhati Breathing Exercise. The name of the Bikram Spine Twist Pose in Sanskrit is Ardha Matsyendrasana and has the following transition into English: Ardha has the meaning of "half:, Matsya translates to English as "fish" or "lord," Indra means "king" in English, and as always Asana means "pose" or "seat."

   The posture is generally referred to as Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose in the Bikram Series. It is the only posture in the Bikram Hot Yoga Series that you do one set of and the reason for this is that you do not need to do any more than one set of Spine Twisting. You are just trying to create a balance between the left and right sides of the body in Spine Twist. It looks and sounds simple to do, but it is easy to get mixed up in this pose for both new students and new teachers, so let us do a review of the final pose in the Bikram Hot Yoga Series before your final breathing and Savasana.

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