Surviving Modern Yoga: Cult Dynamics, Charismatic Leaders, and What Survivors Can Teach Us Paperback – May 14, 2024

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    From the Publisher

    “An absoluTe MusT-read For everYone Who has been in The World oF MOdern Yoga.”“An absoluTe MusT-read For everYone Who has been in The World oF MOdern Yoga.”

    From the Book

    "No one joins a cult""No one joins a cult"

    Every high-demand group thrives on deception.Every high-demand group thrives on deception.

    “I believed that practice found the problem, and practice would fix the problem.”“I believed that practice found the problem, and practice would fix the problem.”

    Praise for the First Edition

    “A must-read for any serious student or teacher of yoga.”—5-star reader review

    “Don’t look the other way.” —5-star reader review

    “A powerful examination of how and why abuse can take hold of a community, even with the support and enthusiasm of well-intentioned and serious students.”—5-star reader review

    “A wake-up call for those who wish to discover the vast benefits of such practices without being misled into extreme beliefs, harm, or even brainwashing.”—5-star reader review

    “Timely, informative, and insightful.”—5-star reader review

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