The Science of Super-Consciousness: and the Ashtanga-Yoga Method Paperback – May 20, 2024

In the West, at the end of the 19th and the early of the 20th century, the first scientific schools for the study of the psyche began to form, which basically, to this day, have not changed much. In essence, it is based on the study of consciousness, which they segmented into conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Incredibly they left out the most important segment, the one that is the basis of all the others: the Super-Consciousness.

The system of techniques called Ashtanga-Yoga (from Sanskrit ashta: eight and anga: branch or part) is an invaluable in terms of effectiveness and time, so that human beings can reach the fullness of their capabilities with the sole purpose of making effective the sacred inheritance, the most important of treasures: recovering full consciousness about the meaning of the true “I”. Such inheritance is always ready to be claimed and does not require social status, race, sex or creed. It is for you, who consider yourself a person with a life very similar to the vast majority of humanity; It is for you, who seeks to quench your thirst to understand life, who feels an existential void. It is for those who find themselves immersed in despair, who do not know how to get out of the swamp of alcoholism and drug addiction, which wants to solve serious personal, family and work problems, even for those who have thought about ending their earthly presence. This ancient science is for everyone, but even more so for the latter, for those who are in a state of extreme and urgent need.

An internal fire of joy, peace and wisdom will be established and stabilized in your daily life without the need for a prior cause, but solely and simply by discovering (raising what is hidden) the wonderful latent potential of the Being in its human manifestation.

About the author:Hanny Juez is a clinical psychologist, writer and businessman. He is intensely linked to work and selfless service to the community through education, sports, music, radio, etc. From a very early age, the holy Jesus and Sai Baba have guided his life. One of his main characteristics is the seriousness in all work, where he always prioritizes common sense and verification through study and practice.

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